Wegmans in Allentown, PA
Current Location: Springwood Suites, Room 229, Allentown, PA Breakfast: Hotel breakfast with Matt Lunch: Brie and Triscuits in the room Dinner: TBD Weather: 43* and rain dropping to 33* Thought of the Day: I need to take responsibility for my own intellectual entertainment. We landed early on Sunday morning at 4am, then drove 90 minutes to the Springwood Suites in Allentown. We all three took a long nap until 1:30. Matt was still pretty out of it, but I was awake and needed some alone time too. I drove to Wegmans and literally started at the far end and just enjoyed every aisle. I didn't have a list but had an idea of dinners and lunches for the week. The grocery store is just a gem! It has the best selection of EVERYTHING and the generic Wegmans brands are so affordable and limited ingredients and just great quality. My favorite surprises were the cheese selections, the Hungarian food aisle, and the Functional Beverage aisle. The cheese that I purchased turned out to be